Gifted Children’s Clubs

Mensa Czechia establishes Gifted Children’s Clubs all over the country. These clubs are intended for primary school age pupils, and their objectives involve the identification of gifted children at an early age, broadening their minds and supporting their intellectual development. Members of Gifted Children’s Clubs also benefit from contact with other talented and gifted children from the same region, which possibly would not be made otherwise.

Gifted Children’s Clubs usually co-operate with municipal authorities and schools that are able to provide suitable premises for the clubs’ activities. The clubs are run by local teachers who are supported by Mensa Czechia

Co-operation with parents has repeatedly proved to be a key element in successful clubs, as their active participation can significantly widen the scope of activities. The clubs usually meet every two weeks, and their activities involve tours, lectures, activities developing intellectual powers, various projects and logic games, and even board games.

A few examples of Czech gifted children’s clubs are given in the left menu. Please note that a comprehensive overview of all of them is currently only available in the Czech version of this website.

The following map shows the current distribution of all Gifted Children’s Clubs in the Czech Republic.